Latest Insights

Insights > People power, Giving back
Joe T. Robinson High School students get a firsthand look at Entergy Arkansas careers

Entergy Arkansas hosted a group of students from Joe T. Robinson High School in Little Rock as they stepped out of the classroom and into the field.

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Insights > People power
Meet the pros: Ashley Gortemiller

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Insights > Giving back
Entergy Arkansas celebrates MLK National Day of Service with community events

Entergy Arkansas is honoring the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a week-long celebration of community service.

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Andy Frugé, journey lineman for Entergy Arkansas
Andy Frugé, journey lineman for Entergy Arkansas
Insights > People power
Third-generation Entergy Arkansas employee to be honored as Lineman of the Game

Even at a young age, Andy Frugé knew he wanted to work for Entergy. Frugé grew up watching his father and grandfather work for the company and says they were his inspiration.

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Insights > People power
ACES continues to earn top ratings with STEM students at the third annual summit

Recently, several energy entities helped lead a careers summit for students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

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Insights > Our future
Think Clean. Think Solutions. Think Nuclear.

This week we celebrate achievements across the nuclear energy industry and at Entergy, as we recognize the vital role nuclear professionals play in powering our communities with clean, carbon-free electricity. Kimberly Cook-Nelson Chief Nuclear Officer

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Ashley Melder, site nurse at Arkansas Nuclear One
Ashley Melder, site nurse at Arkansas Nuclear One
Insights > People power
Meet the pros: Ashley Melder

Today, we recognize a member of a team that perhaps goes unnoticed until needed. That team is the nuclear medical staff.

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Insights > People power
From power poles to goalposts: Evan Fraser named Entergy Lineman of the Game

Entergy Arkansas lineman Evan Fraser, a journeyman lineman in the Hot Springs network, has earned the honor of being named Entergy’s Lineman of the Game.

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Insights > Giving back
Entergy Arkansas highlights community engagement for National Volunteer Month

April is National Volunteer Month, and Entergy Arkansas is proud of the year-round commitment our employees make to volunteering and making a difference in communities throughout our service territory.

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